#特別企劃【JAM在進行中】- 有夢樂手Jam面會 feat. Fabio, 呂聖斐, 許沐恩
為了讓大家一解苦悶,這次我們特別發起了 #特別企劃【Jam在進行中】,既然不能演出,那就疫起來用音樂Jam個面吧!!
Let's have fun together!
COVID crash effects everyone. Not able to see friends face to face, venues shut down, no gig to play... How depressing it is!
Well, every cloud has a silver lining. We've come up with a solution to the problems above... drum roll...【JAMMING】!
What you're going to see isn't planned ahead. The musicians don't even know who's going to show up before they really see each other's face on the screen! So, come and witness these brilliant musicians shine to the fullest! Let's have fun together!
[有夢樂手 Umon Players]
吉他 Guitar / 史帝伏 Steve.Inn
吉他 Guitar / 老康 Kang Cheng
鍵盤 Keyboard / 謝宗訓 Jon
吉他 Guitar / 周小J Little J
吉他 Guitar / 朱健杰 Jimmy Chu
鼓 Drum / 賴以弘 Steven Lai
[客座樂手 Guest Players]
吉他 Guitar / Fabio Moreira
鍵盤 Keyboard / 呂聖斐 Sheng Fei Lu
鼓 Drum / 許沐恩Samuel Hsu
[工作人員 Stuff]
總監 Director / 麻琴-Makoto-
企劃 Project Manager / 林均憲 Shan Lin
執行助理 Executive assistant / 周俊良 ALiang
場景搭建 Scenes Builder / 鯊小編 WTShark
影片剪輯 Film editing / Sakana
伴奏編曲 Backing Arrangement / 林均憲 Shan Lin
混音 Mixing Engineer / 黃友立 Jerry Huang
英文文案 English Copywriter / 鄭晴兒 Phoebe
#有夢音樂 #特別企劃 #疫起宅家Play #JAMMING #JAM在進行中 #樂手JAM面會 #JamSession